Your wardrobe is one of your biggest assets. It holds the best clothes you have ever purchased, along with accessories, glasses and so much more. Women tend to purchase more clothes than required because they love to be on trend with the changing styles. With so many clothes by your side, your wardrobe looks nothing short of a crime scene! 

Deep cleaning your wardrobe from time to time is a must, but make sure to use the right cleaning products for the same. Get top-quality glass cleaners designed to clean the mirrors on the outer side of your wardrobe. Using natural products for deep cleaning your wardrobe is a great shot. Too many chemicals are harsh for the wooden wardrobes and can further harm the clothes you keep inside them. 

However, there are certain steps you need to follow while deep cleaning your wardrobe. Let’s get started with the procedures right away!

Start with some music:

Wardrobe cleaning is a time-consuming task and pretty boring, to say the least! So, make sure to put on some music to make this task less tedious. Choose some upbeat musical notes to help you get into a happy mind frame. Dance to the tunes if you like and that makes deep cleaning feels like a breeze!

Take everything out of your closet:

Yes, this is the most tedious task of deep wardrobe cleaning. You have to take every piece out of the closet. It is way too easy to ignore the things, which are buried deep in the back of the wardrobe or in the drawer. So, take everything out and pile them on top of your bed!

Make some hard decisions:

Now is the time to make some hard decisions regarding the clothing pieces you have in hand. Some don’t fit anymore and others have faded in colour. Some are way out of trend and you won’t be wearing them anytime soon! So, try discarding all those pieces. Give them to charity or your maid at home and that helps in creating free space for new dresses to splurge into!

Time for some cleaning actions:

You now have an empty space in front of you. So, it’s the best time to give your closet a good wipe-down. Do not use harsh chemicals-based detergents or cleaning liquids, use natural ingredients-based cleaners instead.

Using natural ingredients like vinegar, salts etc. to clean your wardrobe will not just maintain the longevity of the closet but also your clothing items.

Why Vinegar & Salt?

  • A natural non-toxic cleaning agent that is a powerful deodorizer.
  • Effortlessly dissolves mineral deposits, dirt, grease, and grime.
  • Removes calcium deposits on taps and fixtures as well as hard water stains from showerheads.
  • Natural repellent especially on ants and household pests.
  • The acidity in vinegar removes germs, bacteria and mould on contact.
  • Salt is a gentle scrubbing agent that removes tough stains and dirt.

If you are concerned about the raw odour of the vinegar and sourcing these ingredients, you can simply get Multipurpose Vinegar Cleaner by SOVI® which has vinegar powered formula.

These products are made using 100% natural ingredients, which will give your wardrobe a squeaky clean feel, without harming the texture or longevity of the closet.

Make sure to get rid of the dust accumulated on our shelves and vacuum the wardrobe floor as well. Give your closet a good scrubbing.

Leave the door open so the closet can air out while you decide which clothes to keep and which to get rid of. Now is the perfect time to restock any cedar to deter moths from destroying your favourite sweater you own!

Time to reorganize:

Whenever the closet seems clean and sparkly all over again, it is a sign to put everything back in their places. You can organize the closet by sorting clothing items in terms of texture, colours, and more. Use one section of the closet for your tees, another section for traditional outfits, and another space for jeans and bottoms. 

Once you have considered these steps, you will come across a clean and well-organized closet right in front of your eyes. And the best part is that you have enough space to fill in with some new clothes!

Understandably, spending several hours cleaning out your closet is just too overwhelming so it is better to make it part of your daily routine.

And when you are done with it, give yourself a treat. Set up a small box near your closet and fill it with your favourite chocolates or biscuits. You can only have it when you are done with the cleaning for the day.

Follow these cleaning tips and you will be amazed by the results.

Happy Cleaning!