Even though cleaning your household depends a lot on your lifestyle and how messy you are, maintaining hygienic surroundings from time to time is of utmost necessity. You need to complete the task on your own because calling a cleaning agency for help will drain your money. Using the all-natural household cleaning products from SOVI® will be a great catch if you want to keep the environment and yourself healthy.

Whether you have pets at home or little kids, or even adults with asthma troubles, catching up with the best smart cleaning hacks is always important. Listed below are 20 smart cleaning hacks to give out a try!
1. Use the power of olive oil to buff surfaces. It is a great option for cleaning stainless steel appliances and more.
2. Use lemons or limes to detox the garbage disposal. It even gives out a fresh smell all the time.
3. Vodka is not just simple alcohol but can also be used on carpets to remove stains. Rubbing alcohol or clear vodka will do the trick.
4. Make sure to eliminate water stains with the help of shaving cream. It can help you get a clean shower glass after all!
5. If you are planning to clean the bathroom tub, then creating a mixture using baking soda and vinegar will do the trick. Get natural cleaning solutions from SOVI® as well!
6. You can also use the same vinegar and baking soda solution for cleaning toilets and the harsh marks. Let the toilet soak in the solution for some time before washing it off.
7. For that sparkling and fresh-smelling toilet, using essential oils will be a good call to consider. Use tea tree essential oil or orange essential oil for that zesty fresh smell.
8. You can always try working on DIY aromatherapy cleaning solutions for shining your tubs and sinks. For that, mix baking soda with lemon drops, dish soap and basil essential oils.
9. Use lemon oil to steam your microwave and then clean the interior without adding too much-scrubbing action.
10. Another easy way to clean the microwave is by placing a dampened sponge on a tray and setting it on high for around 2 minutes. It helps in killing bacteria.
11. Mix white vinegar, drops of essential oil and distilled water to create a DIY glass cleaner. You can get a similar already-created solution from SOVI® right away!
12. Want to degrease your oven? If so, then using lemon will be of great help around here.
13. For that hands-off stovetop scrub, make sure to use the power of baking soda. Just pour it on and sprinkle it with some water. Let it soak for an hour before wiping.
14. Use rubber gloves for removing pet hair. The fur will stick to the gloves and then run it down underwater.
15. The best way to eliminate foul smell from upholstery is by combining vinegar, water and your favourite essential oil to create a solution and spraying it on your furniture.
16. Use the power of vinegar and baking soda for sprucing up the mattress.
17. Use coffee filters for dusting electronics. They are great for clearing dust from TV screens, computer monitors and more.
18. Make sure to use a pillowcase for cleaning ceiling fans. It is a great substitute for rags.
19. Use old socks for dusting window blinds and accumulating dirt. Due to multiple sizes and shapes, it will be a hassle to clean sometime. That’s when the socks come in handy.
20. Use the dishwasher for cleaning flip-flops, hair brushes and more.
Remember to always use natural ingredient-based cleaning solutions and detergents for maintaining long-lasting results.